10 Reasons Jesus Faithful Followers Must Sign Islam part 1

1. Regarding FOOD Haram
In the Bible we are told that Moses get the word from Allah, unclean ABOUT eating meat 'Pig' forever for review. * According to the Bible but the new MOLD 1996 until 2014 tahaun has dirobah Being 'boar' Pertahtikan the following verses: Leviticus 11: 7-8 Also thus boar, BECAUSE Indeed cloven-hoofed, punctuated Long nails Namely, tetpai NOT rumination: ITU Bagimu fragrant. Meat Animals Animals ITU-ye Eating And carcasses ye shall not Touch the: unclean semuannya ITU Bagimu / Padalah * According to the Bible long MOLD 1941 s / d 1991 written Yang unclean "pork", Without Words disposals word 'forest'. Consider the following verse: Bible Old Prints, 1941 Leviticus 11: 7-8 And More pork, BECAUSE soengoehpon koerkoenja split doewa, IJA itoe bersiratan koekoenja, but tidada IJA chew sage, then haramlah IJA kapadamoe. Let not Kamoe Eating out dagingnja And do not let poela Kamoe mendjamah bangkainja, then haramlah IJA kapadamoe. * According to the Bible, pigs unclean ITU. By their reality, pigs bred Operating SPECIAL, nurtured, cared for and diadikan as Material Merchandise And daginnya sold as a source of their livelihood. In fact, let alone eat it, Cartoon Costume Plush Toys Banned body Only God Bible hearts. * All Muslims harmkan pig But nearly ALL the People of Christians precisely Spot For, except Small sebaian Adventist sect. Singer membutikan that Yang Joining God's word the Bible will be his illegitimate pig hearts, even pigs are kesuakaan FOOD them. Menjagi question of why Christians are NOT forbid pork, precisely Instead they menghalalkannya? Turns Unwittingly, they has followed Paul Yang said UNDERSTAND THAT Everything Halal.

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